Signs That Your Home Needs Restumping-Australian Reblocking

Restumping or reblocking is a process that involves replacing old or damaged stumps under your home with new ones. This is essential to maintain the structural integrity of your home and prevent further damage or safety issues. Here are some signs that your home needs restumping:


Uneven or sloping floors: If you notice that your floors are uneven or sloping, this could be a sign that your home needs Restumping. This is because the stumps under your home may have settled or moved over time, causing the floors to become uneven.


Cracks in walls or ceilings: Cracks in your walls or ceilings could also be a sign that your home needs restumping. This is because the movement of the stumps under your home can cause the walls and ceilings to shift and crack.


Doors or windows that are difficult to open or close: If your doors or windows are difficult to open or close, this could be a sign that your home needs restumping. This is because the movement of the stumps can cause the frames of the doors and windows to become distorted, making them difficult to operate.


Sagging or bouncing floors: If your floors are sagging or bouncing, this could be a sign that the stumps under your home are unable to support the weight of your home. This can be dangerous and could lead to a collapse if not addressed.


Visible damage to stumps: If you can see visible damage to the stumps under your home, such as cracking or rotting, this is a clear sign that restumping is necessary. These damaged stumps will not be able to support the weight of your home, which can be dangerous.


Restumping your home is a complex process that should only be carried out by professionals. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to contact a restumping expert as soon as possible to assess the situation and provide a solution. Don’t wait until it’s too late, as the longer you leave it, the more damage can occur, leading to a potentially costly repair bill.








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